• Installations

The Futurological Congress

  • DATE
  • SIZE

Today’s challenge of designing an exhibition lies in creating a connection between exhibited art and the context in which the art is displayed, rather than confining artwork in colourless and disengaging spaces.

The Futurological Congress installation, designed to feature the works of architects, the project brief included both panels and tables to present projects boards and models as well as to accommodate activities related to the Congress. Flexibility and innovation in adjusting to different spaces, durability, and ease of assembly were the main requirements.

The Futurological Congress installation explores the way in which architectural drawings are prepared and displayed. The constraints of the sizes of the available material and of the displayed works were used as design tools generating playfulness and diversity within the modules, creating interesting perspectives of light, material as well as display.

Inspired from the tools of making large size architectural drawings, the exhibition design took inspiration from the classic large drawing boards, constructing them as temporary and flexible display panels for the exhibited work.
The installation design, considered a stimulating intellectual exercise in itself, is valued for economy, simplicity, and sensibility.

For sculptures and models, the panels could also be modified to form display tables, again made from a single piece of plywood.


The construction of the exhibition consisted of 36 stand-alone panels that could be installed in under 3 hours, from start to finish. Each panel, including all its structural elements, is cut from a single piece of plywood resulting in a highly sustainable zero-waste design.

    Project Name : The Futurological Congress

    Location : Barbican Center, London, UK

    Sector : Art & Installation

    Services : Installation & Exhibition Design

    Built Area : NA

    Clients : The Futurological Congress, Polish Professionals

    Status : Completed

    Date : 2012

    SAV Design Team : Amita Kulkarni, Vikrant Tike, Ewa, Ula and Stuart