
We practice ‘Design as Process ‘wherein we utilse and explore all the different methods and skills to make a project. As a studio we believe in integrating traditional making and crafts with innovative, prefab and modern technologies that is both playful as well as sensitive.


Storytelling plays an important part of the design which then translates into a narrative of structure, space and construction. We feel the procees of experiencing architecture has parallels to how we imagine them as stories; as scernarios unfolding physically.


For us , the principles of ‘making’ form the basis to design. We integrate cutting edge techniques of digital design and fabrication with traditional craftsmanship as the foundation of our working methodology.


As designers from the 21st century we constantly think of our environment as a single global planet that we live on with limited resources. That automates to our dedication in seeing resourcefulness as a key driver both in design and performance

Studio Space

Our studio is a warm, welcoming, collaborative as well as an engaging space. We are a lateral organizational structure with an open plan office, allowing everyone within the team to interact on a constant basis.


We believe that the architecture and design of today needs to be collaborative and inter-disciplinary. Since we like to work with different scales and programs we are keenly interested to collaborate with people from far and varied disciplines.


There is deep emphasis within our designs on generating moods and quality of spaces that are shaped by materials, light as well as the bold lines we create within our architecture and interiors


At an initial stage storytelling places an important part of the design which then translates into a narrative of structure, space and construction.

The design process is communicated through a mix of conceptual sketches, presentation drawings, sketch models, digital modelling, evolutionary diagrams and prototyping.


We integrate cutting edge techniques of digital design and fabrication with traditional craftsmanship as the foundation of our working methodology.

Collaborating with academia and specialist manufacturing workshops, the studio is able to draw in advanced computation and rapid prototyping skills allowing innovation in design and making.

Simultaneously we equally work with traditional woodworking and joinery tools, metal workers, artisans’ and craftsmen to create a fluid working process that brings the best of the old and new techniques together.

Our Environment

As designers from the 21st century we constantly think of our environment as a single global planet that we live on with limited resources. That automates to our dedication in seeing resourcefulness as a key driver both in design and performance.

Since we also work across different cultures we prefer to think laterally when it comes to sustainable solutions as we greatly believe in working with low tech to achieve higher impacts.

Along with that we look into nature and constantly study its ingenious efficiencies and behaviours which we like to bring in our design practice at all levels, at times as a bold structural idea or as spatial flow diagram or as a detail in assembling 1:1 pieces.

Our Space

Our studio is a warm, welcoming, collaborative as well as an engaging space. We are a lateral organisational structure with an open plan office, allowing everyone within the team to interact on a constant basis.

Lunchtimes are seen as central aspect to our studio life, where everyone sits together for an hour thriving on all sorts of lively discussions over a common homemade style lunch.

Each person within the studio brings their own unique perspective and is encouraged to develop their own interests and research, be it music, philosophy, art or economics, we believe it adds depth to the design process and ultimately reflects in the overall body of work that is produced within the studio.

Being based in London and India we get to bring the best of these cultures together. Exchanging and sharing key skills and individual insights add’s to the richness of our creative process.


We believe that the architecture and design of today needs to be collaborative and inter-disciplinary . Since we like to work with different scales and programs we are keenly interested to collaborate with people from far and varied disciplines.

We work with product designers, artists, engineers, programmers , economists as well as with different sizes of companies, startups and corporations.

We also work with schools across the world to collaborate for research, workshops, academic teaching and training.

Materials and Moods

While we work on large scale projects there is an equal focus on materials and moods that will work both with the architecture but also especially within the interiors.

We like to architectural materials in an innovative fashion to create powerful and unique spatial moods that create a symbiotic relation between the architecture and interiors.

There is deep emphasis within our designed on generating moods and quality of spaces that are shaped by materials, light as well as the bold lines we create within our architecture and interiors.

There is deep emphasis within our designed on generating moods and quality of spaces that are shaped by materials, light as well as the bold lines we create within our architecture and interiors.