• Architecture | Installations

Fragments Of Lines

  • DATE
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a dot in an infinity of the earth
a ray in the light of the sun
a line in the vastness of the sky
a memorial by the depth of the ocean a thought in the silence of the loss

The brief of the memorial site was to create an art/architectural project, located on the Western shoreline of the Bygdøy peninsular in Oslo, Norway for one of the largest earthquake and tsunami disasters that happened across South East Asia on December 26 2004.


To honour the victims, the Norwegian Government commissioned an open all inclusive competition for a memorial site close to the city ; for mourning and contemplation for those who had experienced these dramatic events in their lives. 

Concept Derivation

So for the memorial; we create gestures, gestures that reflect , gestures that allow, gestures that appear, that are present but yet are only possibilities of what could be seen, of what one can feel, of what one can be.
We place lines, lines of our hand, lines on land. From the lines arises a path, a pathway that cut the land, at times following it, leading a life of its own. It allows the traveller to connect with itself, sharing the moments it has lived.

Concept Drawings

The path becomes fragments, fragments of life, fragments of steel, places to contemplate, places to site, walk on and play, converging into a deck amongst the trees where the pavilion rested, exhaled and looked out to the big blue ocean.

    Project Name : Fragments of Lines ( Norway Tsunami Memorial)

    Location : Oslo, Norway

    Services : Cultural

    Built Area : Undefined

    Clients : The Municipality of Oslo

    Status : Concept

    Date : 2007

    SAV Design Team : Amita Kulkarni, Vikrant Tike