• Architecture | Interiors | Landscape

Sweeping Plane House

  • DATE
  • SIZE
    1764 SQM
    Under Construction
Nestled into the sloping ground in this beautiful long site facing the fields , the Sweeping Planes House is imagined as a fluid stroke within the landscape. The house is designed as two sweeping planes that intersect over each other, with one plane at higher site level and one at lower level that fit within the slope of the land.

The entry into this expansive planar house is an unassuming one that reveals itself through the use of a gentle louver screen that sweeps up to mark the entrance and through the large pivoted doors that create a perforated aperture within the solidity of the layered rammed earth wall.





Dividing the plot diagonally, releasing the corner closest to the access for the house. Staggering the built and the landscape to create privacy and unobstructed views for each programme.



We envisioned this expansive semi-open planar verandah space as modern version of the Goan balcao space, with a large lotus pond courtyard, and easy cane furniture that allows one to take in the panoramic fields view of this lush tropical sloping site .

Designed as a space to sit, a space for leisure, a space to reflect and a space to view from , this verandah embraces the Goan susegad slow lifestyle that is a luxury in todays world .

Architecture and Landscape

The louvered screen moves up to elevate the effect of the expansive pool decks as well as the sweep of these two planes that create an architecturally dramatic but equally landscape driven home.

The lower level plane creates a sweeping open plan living dining space that flow into a wing that houses the entertainment and family zone.



Materiality & Interiors

The social space have rammed earth wall on one side and large sliding folding glass doors on the other, with cool concrete floors and warm wooden ceilings, the living spaces create a contrast of solidity, texture , transparency and tactility.



The series of these social spaces are designed with a planar feel , where the sunken informal living, the formal living and the dining and kitchen all connect with each other as well as the landscape , the pool and the outdoor decks as one seamless spatial expanse.

Centered around courtyards and patios, all the bathspaces and bed spaces are designed a unique spatial experiences.

The daughters’ and son’s bedrooms both occupy the lower level of the house close to the pool and have contrasting color moods, a warmer one for the daughter inspired from the earthen rammed wall that runs through it and a cool green one for the son , that brings the green courtyard vibe within the space.




    Project Name : Sweeping Plane House

    Location : Aldona, Goa, India

    Sector : Housing

    Services : Architecture, Landscape & Interiors

    Site Area : -10,000 sq. m

    Built Area : 1764 sq. m

    Clients : Private

    Status : Under construction

    Date : 2022


    SAV Design Team : Amita Kulkarni, Ravisha Rathore, Devesh Uniyal, Malhar Chawada, Vasudha Dahale, Vikrant Tike

    Developers : Kaushik Banerjee